Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Background Story

There is a lot to cover as far as my past goes in FlyFF.

I began playing FlyFF when I was about 14 or 15. My friend Cory showed the game to me and I was hooked pretty easily. Soon after I could easily say I was addicted.

My first character was a magician "Jayfree". I knew very little about the game and you could say I messed my character up, big time! I had no clue what a "build" was. Come to find that out, I made a new character, and Assist "GayRaver". I began leveling and made it off the first island (Flaris), and to the second island (Saint Morning). A few days later, I ran into someone who thought that I was being a biggot due to my name being GayRaver. We ended up talking and he was gay too and we became friends and hung out in game a lot! He was a big help and we're still friends to this day! Thanks Elementes1! Friends Forever!

After starting high school, I didn't have time for FlyFF as much due to school and work. I was kept busy most of the time and my internet abilities were timed so I had to reserve what time I had for school. 

Upon my completion of high school and moving out to my own place, I started back up again, this time on a new server, Mia (which was fairly new at the time) I created my first female character "LexiBear". 
( 80% of in game female characters are played by males)

Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind ....

Partying with other players allows you to gain more experience faster... so do it! While partying, I made friends with the guys in my party. HellsKnight, MonkBP, and some other guys. We would always be in parties and grinding (leveling) with each other. We finally got to the point that we were going to make a guild. Being the character with the most funds, I was the one who bought the guild and started it, although we took FOREVER to pick out and agree on a name. More like an hour or two, but we settled on "PandaPoo". Our guild was born! And we raised it! =D

Time passed and the guys stopped playing and I slowly started to loose interest, I had no friends who were always on to play with. And pairing up with random people is not only awkward sometimes, but a hasle, as some don't know english or are 13 and don't really know what they are doing and you die because of their A.D.D. or lack of knowing what to do, or how to properly function as a Full Support Assist (FS). 

I played here and there and made a couple characters, one for every class.

LexiBear - Billposter (Main Char.)
PandaBlesser - Ringmaster
Mikohana - Jester
Koyokun - Ranger
PandaSpellz - Elementor
(yet to make) - Psykeeper
PandaRage - Blade
(yet to make) - Knight

Taking occasional breaks to play other MMO's like S.U.N. (Soul of the Ultimate Nation), Battle of the Immortals, and Perfect World International makes me realize how much I miss playing FlyFF. I'd try something new and compare it to FlyFF and I just never liked it, had to come back to FlyFF.

I've just recently come back to playing FlyFF more and since starting, the cash shop has had a few sales that I couldn't pass up, so Lexi (LexiBear) has a few new upgrades and updates!

When I began playing FlyFF when i was 14/15, the level cap was 110. Soon after, it was raised to 119, then the Master system came into play, where once you reach 119 you get sent back to lvl 60-M and you get 2x the exp and you are a Master of your class. Once there was 100s of Master around, they made the new level cap to 120 and applied the Hero system. Very similar to the Master system, only you get an "H" next to your name and no longer an "M". The latest and most current version has raised the cap to 130, as well as added new "classes"


The new classes are a bit confusing. I don't know who's idea it was to do this, but all that happens with the new class is new skills. -.-  It's the same class that you were before, only you get a new class name and a few new skills/weapons/armor. If you are a billposter and you become a Force Master, you are now a billposter with a new name! (sarcastic)YAY!  It's a very weird system. I mean, if all of the sudden you could shoot lasers from your eyes instead of punching things with a knuckle, then I could see a class change, but nothing changes really. I'm still headed for Force Master. That's my new goal. =P

Ranger --> Crackshooter

 Jester --> Harlequin

Ringmaster --> Seraph
Billposter --> Force Master

 Elementor --> Arcanist

 Psykeeper --> Mentalist

 Knight --> Templar

 Blade --> Slayer

Welcome to The Beginning

I should first off like to thank anyone who actually follows this.

I am majorly posting this here due to the fact that I wish to document the progress of my game play in the world of FlyFF, to share with friends and past players. Just to keep an eye on what is going on!