Thursday, December 15, 2011

After the Beta

Hey guys! I'm back.. Beta was kick ass. lol.

Made a bunch of new friends and saw a few old ones. Mostly new though. lol. So when the servers went up, I was one of the first, idk... hundred or so, to log in. It was barren for a beta! lol. It slowly picked up. I decided to make a new character rather than to continue with my Jester. So, I made an Arcanist, which, I got to lvl 148 within 3 days. I then, decided to make a Seraph, which I got to 137 in 3 days. Was really fun! I still can't believe I did all the new dungeons and nothing dropped for me. That kinda sucked. Oh well. Now, to just get to Arcanist on the live Servers!

Speaking of live servers. The time leading up to the release of the new V18, they ran the exp x2.5/x3 event, and I was grinding with my good friend. let me show you what I did...

Before Event  --------> After Event

lvl 98 -------> lvl 107
lvl 76 -------> lvl 108

It's been an interesting little stretch. I'm waiting for exp events to really grind, so in the meantime, I'm working on a few new characters. A ranger mainly, although I'm creating them on the Yetti server. =P