Thursday, December 15, 2011

After the Beta

Hey guys! I'm back.. Beta was kick ass. lol.

Made a bunch of new friends and saw a few old ones. Mostly new though. lol. So when the servers went up, I was one of the first, idk... hundred or so, to log in. It was barren for a beta! lol. It slowly picked up. I decided to make a new character rather than to continue with my Jester. So, I made an Arcanist, which, I got to lvl 148 within 3 days. I then, decided to make a Seraph, which I got to 137 in 3 days. Was really fun! I still can't believe I did all the new dungeons and nothing dropped for me. That kinda sucked. Oh well. Now, to just get to Arcanist on the live Servers!

Speaking of live servers. The time leading up to the release of the new V18, they ran the exp x2.5/x3 event, and I was grinding with my good friend. let me show you what I did...

Before Event  --------> After Event

lvl 98 -------> lvl 107
lvl 76 -------> lvl 108

It's been an interesting little stretch. I'm waiting for exp events to really grind, so in the meantime, I'm working on a few new characters. A ranger mainly, although I'm creating them on the Yetti server. =P

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Note Note Note

So - Things have been progressing well. ^_^

PandaSpellz is now considerably my main now. I retired my 79 BP [LexiBear] and have moved to Elementor. I'm liking it, except for the position lagg. -.-  I have PandaSpellz ( I call her Spellz )  to lvl 91 atm. =D

So - today is exciting. It's the Beta release of V18 for Flyff. I already have the client downloaded and now just waiting for the servers to go online. Load it up and I'll be MIA for a few days. xD

I just hope they don't always reset the character information each time. xD  I hope my Hero Jester is still there from the last beta! xD

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ele You say?!

So, I've been holding onto this clean Guardian Staff for over 3 years now, and I had a lvl 45 mage sitting in my character que. What better to do than make an Elementor?!

Now, in 3 days, I have got my mage from 45 to 65, and I'm still climbing! (Currently taking a break right now.)

I've been keeping up with different Ele builds and guides and I've found one that I particularly like. I know some people are going to go, "Why STA?! What are you?! Retarded?!" Hey, Fak off, this is MY character and I don't care what you have to say. I don't do cookie cutter builds like you.

Str - 15
Sta - 35
Dex - 15
Int - xxx

Works for me and I've even gone as far to figure out the skills issues.
Maxed mage skills (the third and most powerful set [lvl 30 skills])  use up 40 skill points each and require more MP than maxed Elementor lvl 60 skills, which use up to 30 Skill points to master, and uses less MP and do a little bit more damage.

As far as the AOE is concerned, I've taken the advice of numerous Hero Ele's and stuck to mastering Earth, Wind, and Electricity AOEs. The other 2 (Fire and Water) have cool downs and are not recommended for fast AOEing. At lvl 70, only obtaining Earth, Wind, and Electric Masteries, and then working on the others only AFTER those are done.
PandaSpellz as she becomes Elementor

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm Rich!

So I thought of this yesterday while leveling my blade. I was running through Darken and looking through shops on ch.1 and I kept seeing people selling perin for 110m. Though it was kinda funny. I never understood why people sell items for more than what they're worth. Maybe to get a little extra?! 

So here is a screen shot that I took awhile back, and I tell you, I miss what I had!!

Click to Enlarge Image.
If you look, there is 2 stacks of perin. One has 99, another has 3, and I have another 3 perin in my penya bag. So, lets do some quick math. 

99 + 3 + 3 = 105

105 x 100,000,000 = 10,500,000,000

So, 10,500,000,000! That's 10 billion, 500 million. That, is a crap load of penya. I miss those days. xD Mmkay?!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Bit of Change

So, After a careful though process, I have decided to change my blog from a Flyff based blog to a, Games I play in general type blog. This should allow me to update on a more frequent basis, thus allowing me to rant and rave a little more than I have been thanks to being absent from  Flyff for awhile. (insert giggle here)

I figure the best way to begins this transition is to inform you of what games I play, for the most part. The top three I will list and the various other games are below. Feel free to click on the names which will take you to the official pages of the game.

Soul of the Ultimate Nation (S.U.N.)

SUN is a fantasy based mmorpg that take you on an adventure through the Brakion Continent. What I particularly enjoy about the game is the in depth quests and "Area Conquest." The Area Conquest is a region based quest list that enables you to receive special rewards such as heirm (in game money) jewelry, jewels, potions, and even pets. The Grinding is medium as the quests are plentiful and you level up at a good pace. 

Fly For Fun (Flyff)

Flyff is a kid friendly cartoon filled word where you fly on brooms and hover boards. The action never stops and is intense. The quests are far and few between and most quests are farming quest items that drop from the mobs. This game is for people who love to grind, because you will be doing a LOT of it (especially at high levels!) More information is below about Flyff.

Forsaken World

Forsaken World is another fantasy mmo where you are taken on an adventure through the land of Eryda. The classes and races are quite exquisite, ranging from humans to elves, dwarfs, stonemen, and kindred (vampires). The quests are plentiful yet there is some grinding to do. Intense instances grant you godly amounts of exp and items; however, you will be buying heaps of hp and mp pots due to an immensely LOW regeneration rate. (One of the lowest I have even experienced!)

Other Games

League of Legends

Perfect World International


Star Wars Galaxies (Paid Subscription)
Star Wars Galaxies (Paid Subscription)
Star Wars Galaxies has been running for 7 years and the end is sadly coming in December 2011.
I started playing this mmo back when it first came out and off and on since. Wonderful game and it will be missed! 
♥ You Star Wars!!!

A Little Annoyed

So.. Truth of the matter at this point....

I'm major disliking how gPotato has redone their security login procedures. I mean you have to change your password every few months. I've had the same passwords for a long time, but now I have to keep a post it in my planner so I can remember them.

Not to mention, thanks to the whole fiasco of changing passwords and having to use emails to verify your accounts, I have lost my lvl 122H RM. My friend no longer plays and let me have his account and he couldn't remember his email he originally used and now, I'm missing a crap load of penya, CS items, an awesome Stick of Ivilness+9  Fire +11 Int+25 awakes (and) my Bloody Stick+10 Wind+12 Int+21 awakes... and the whole thing kinda put me in a rutt so  I have stopped playing for a bit. Not to mention I started playing another game for a little bit after being offered a closed beta invite and it was okay... But I missed my Flyff! xD

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What? Again!?

So I just checked in with Flyff's official page and I just now noticed that Version 17 has just been released!

WTF?! It seems that every time that there's a new version, I miss the Beta! D=

I've been playing since Version 3, and now, we're on 17!?! Damn!

And I think it's worse that the beta was released on May 13th and I just now noticed that, and it's May 28th!

I'm Epic Failz!

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Brief Vacation

Once again, I have been absent from my Flyff activities.

I have been doing quite a bit lately, also known as VERY busy.
School was coming to an end and I had to focus on finals and making sure
that I had everything done that I needed to do, considering it was time for
me to graduate. =D  So I had to put Flyff on hold for a little while while
I focused on school.


I did log in just to run the patches and found that PandaBlesser had been hacked.
Which is very lame. They stole all my penya and a few other items. I still can't believe
that people would do something like that. So dishonest.

But I've been going over some figures lately from my account and I've calculated
that I've spent of $800 on Flyff since January of 2009 to March of 2011. That's
kinda ridiculous! I can't believe that! It is like, unfathomable!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Making Ends Meet

So, After yet another lame attempt of leveling LexiBear...
I got another level out of her, and starting a new level is like pulling teeth. (which is No Bueno)

I have basiclly but Lexi on hold... She is not retired, but is simply being put on the back burnner.

At this time, PandaBlesser has resumed her full mission as a RingMaster and will become 100+ before I resume using Lexi. The good news is, She has already gained a few levels, currently riding on lvl 70! =D WOOT!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Background Story

There is a lot to cover as far as my past goes in FlyFF.

I began playing FlyFF when I was about 14 or 15. My friend Cory showed the game to me and I was hooked pretty easily. Soon after I could easily say I was addicted.

My first character was a magician "Jayfree". I knew very little about the game and you could say I messed my character up, big time! I had no clue what a "build" was. Come to find that out, I made a new character, and Assist "GayRaver". I began leveling and made it off the first island (Flaris), and to the second island (Saint Morning). A few days later, I ran into someone who thought that I was being a biggot due to my name being GayRaver. We ended up talking and he was gay too and we became friends and hung out in game a lot! He was a big help and we're still friends to this day! Thanks Elementes1! Friends Forever!

After starting high school, I didn't have time for FlyFF as much due to school and work. I was kept busy most of the time and my internet abilities were timed so I had to reserve what time I had for school. 

Upon my completion of high school and moving out to my own place, I started back up again, this time on a new server, Mia (which was fairly new at the time) I created my first female character "LexiBear". 
( 80% of in game female characters are played by males)

Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind ....

Partying with other players allows you to gain more experience faster... so do it! While partying, I made friends with the guys in my party. HellsKnight, MonkBP, and some other guys. We would always be in parties and grinding (leveling) with each other. We finally got to the point that we were going to make a guild. Being the character with the most funds, I was the one who bought the guild and started it, although we took FOREVER to pick out and agree on a name. More like an hour or two, but we settled on "PandaPoo". Our guild was born! And we raised it! =D

Time passed and the guys stopped playing and I slowly started to loose interest, I had no friends who were always on to play with. And pairing up with random people is not only awkward sometimes, but a hasle, as some don't know english or are 13 and don't really know what they are doing and you die because of their A.D.D. or lack of knowing what to do, or how to properly function as a Full Support Assist (FS). 

I played here and there and made a couple characters, one for every class.

LexiBear - Billposter (Main Char.)
PandaBlesser - Ringmaster
Mikohana - Jester
Koyokun - Ranger
PandaSpellz - Elementor
(yet to make) - Psykeeper
PandaRage - Blade
(yet to make) - Knight

Taking occasional breaks to play other MMO's like S.U.N. (Soul of the Ultimate Nation), Battle of the Immortals, and Perfect World International makes me realize how much I miss playing FlyFF. I'd try something new and compare it to FlyFF and I just never liked it, had to come back to FlyFF.

I've just recently come back to playing FlyFF more and since starting, the cash shop has had a few sales that I couldn't pass up, so Lexi (LexiBear) has a few new upgrades and updates!

When I began playing FlyFF when i was 14/15, the level cap was 110. Soon after, it was raised to 119, then the Master system came into play, where once you reach 119 you get sent back to lvl 60-M and you get 2x the exp and you are a Master of your class. Once there was 100s of Master around, they made the new level cap to 120 and applied the Hero system. Very similar to the Master system, only you get an "H" next to your name and no longer an "M". The latest and most current version has raised the cap to 130, as well as added new "classes"


The new classes are a bit confusing. I don't know who's idea it was to do this, but all that happens with the new class is new skills. -.-  It's the same class that you were before, only you get a new class name and a few new skills/weapons/armor. If you are a billposter and you become a Force Master, you are now a billposter with a new name! (sarcastic)YAY!  It's a very weird system. I mean, if all of the sudden you could shoot lasers from your eyes instead of punching things with a knuckle, then I could see a class change, but nothing changes really. I'm still headed for Force Master. That's my new goal. =P

Ranger --> Crackshooter

 Jester --> Harlequin

Ringmaster --> Seraph
Billposter --> Force Master

 Elementor --> Arcanist

 Psykeeper --> Mentalist

 Knight --> Templar

 Blade --> Slayer

Welcome to The Beginning

I should first off like to thank anyone who actually follows this.

I am majorly posting this here due to the fact that I wish to document the progress of my game play in the world of FlyFF, to share with friends and past players. Just to keep an eye on what is going on!