Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ele You say?!

So, I've been holding onto this clean Guardian Staff for over 3 years now, and I had a lvl 45 mage sitting in my character que. What better to do than make an Elementor?!

Now, in 3 days, I have got my mage from 45 to 65, and I'm still climbing! (Currently taking a break right now.)

I've been keeping up with different Ele builds and guides and I've found one that I particularly like. I know some people are going to go, "Why STA?! What are you?! Retarded?!" Hey, Fak off, this is MY character and I don't care what you have to say. I don't do cookie cutter builds like you.

Str - 15
Sta - 35
Dex - 15
Int - xxx

Works for me and I've even gone as far to figure out the skills issues.
Maxed mage skills (the third and most powerful set [lvl 30 skills])  use up 40 skill points each and require more MP than maxed Elementor lvl 60 skills, which use up to 30 Skill points to master, and uses less MP and do a little bit more damage.

As far as the AOE is concerned, I've taken the advice of numerous Hero Ele's and stuck to mastering Earth, Wind, and Electricity AOEs. The other 2 (Fire and Water) have cool downs and are not recommended for fast AOEing. At lvl 70, only obtaining Earth, Wind, and Electric Masteries, and then working on the others only AFTER those are done.
PandaSpellz as she becomes Elementor

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